15 Tips To Get More Twitter Followers

Friday, 28 November 2014

When it comes to Twitter, I think everyone would like as many followers will. There are those who claim that quality is more important than quantity, but frankly that's just not true. It is not that the quality does not matter. Far from it! However, the quality and quantity not mutually exclusive. But how do you attract the right followers for your specific interests / business?

The more followers you have, the greater the chance that people will read your posts again or share with their followers. But when people start to follow to follow, so no reason that you're really not helping. If this is not your ideal clients are, why do you want them to follow you? Just like buying followers not you are going to help. Again, this is not your ideal target market and can they probably did not care what you have to log in to Twitter.

Get Twitter Followers who are not interested in your product or service, and therefore not in your content, are simply a waste of time. It is a waste of your time, but also those of them. When you follow a lot more than people that follow, you can keep it that others to follow you. And these are perhaps people who are more interested in your product or service.

Here are some tips to get more valuable Twitter Followers and maintain:

1. Complete your bio
This is probably not the first time you hear it from me. And some people who follow me for a long time, thinking maybe I constantly repeating myself. But if you want more followers, and that applies to all social media platforms, it is just a prerequisite to fill out your profile as completely as possible. And I still see a lot of people who have not completed their Twitter bio completely. This not only makes it harder for people who are looking for your product or service to find you, but it just looks bad. It seems like it cares nothing! Fill out your profile completely and use relevant keywords for your niche, then you will soon see an increase in the number of followers. Simply because people can find you.

2. Add a profile picture
Very few people I know, follow people without a profile photo of herself. The vast majority of the people you want them to follow you on Twitter, are not going to follow you if you use the standard "egg-shaped head" that Twitter gives you when you sign up. Add up to a clear picture of yourself, when your face is recognizable, and use it on all your social media profiles. If you use the same picture everywhere, you make it easy for people to identify you online.

3. Use your real name as your username
Use your own name as your user name if it is available. People know you so and it goes to Twitter, namely to make personal contact. This is becoming increasingly difficult now there are already so many people are active on Twitter, but it's worth a try. If your real name is not available, try a combination with your middle initial, or try something related to your industry fans social media.

4. Create a Twitter landing page on your website
Make a special Twitter landing page on your site and add the link to your bio. When people click through to your website from your Twitter profile, it is nice also for them to create a landing page? Something along the lines of "Hi, thanks for visiting my website from Twitter" etc. Add a link to your Twitter profile so that it is visible in your bio. This is a great way to build your mailing list. Provide an irresistible offer to motivate people to register themselves also for your free tips, ebook or checklist. Be crystal clear about the next step that you'd like to take people.

5. Make sure your content easy to share
Again, this might seem to be a little obvious. But you'll be surprised how many people do not "Tweet This" and "Follow Me On Twitter" add buttons on their websites. Make sure you add social sharing buttons everywhere, so on every page and in every blog so people can easily share them. This way, you make it easy for people to follow you on Twitter or share your content directly from your site.

6. Create content that people want to share
Create content that is valuable to people and is worth the effort to share! This is the best way to ensure that people can continue to follow. You've probably worked hard to build a list of twitter followers. If your tweets are interesting, people also share this course, like with their friends. And this can cause your new followers.

7. Make sure you stand out tweets
Part funny, touching, or other unique content so that you stand out messages. If your tweets just like those of any other, sets you apart from the rest. There are inspirational quotes that everyone uses or articles that everyone shares. Do not be like everyone else, because then your tweets are ignored.

8. Keep your tweets short so they can be easily retweeted
Make it easy for others to share your tweets by keeping it short. Allow enough room so that people who retweet your message enough space to mention himself and also a brief comment to add your twitter name. You thus prevents people must first edit your post before they can share it if there is no more room to add @fanssocialmedia1.

9. Do not use too many hashtags or usernames
This is one of the things that often caused the greatest loss of followers (this and promote yourself, which I will come back). Actually, this is usually a subtle form of promotion, and it makes tweets less fun to read. Do not use more than two hashtags per tweet, and add a long list of user names to one tweet. Even with a #FF (Follow Friday). Most will not only follow someone because they are in a whole list of user names. Okay, maybe that's best do.

10. Use good manners and respond to mentions
Respond to people who go to or over your tweet is so polite. In a normal conversation would you someone who does not ignore talking to you, so do it not on social media. Twitter is actually so use the same methods you would use in an offline conversation one big conversation.

11. Keep your tweets
Do not use too many abbreviations or difficult words. Make sure your messages are understandable, otherwise, hooks followers off. You have only 140 characters, so it can sometimes be tricky. If you use a lot of abbreviations, which is less professional. Find a way to be very concise and to the point. "

12. Section content of others
Treat others as you want to be treated. If you would like others to retweet your content, please take the time to share their content. Make sure that this content is valuable to your followers and do not go so retweeting messages to retweet, but am also generous enough to promote the content of others.

13. Add themselves to interesting content
But make sure you also produces interesting content. Do not go just retweeting messages from others without also adding content. People have not really a reason to follow you.

14. Add comments to an RT
When messages from others retweet, add itself, even comment. This lets your followers why you think this content is valuable enough to share it with them.

15. Not only to promote yourself, use the 80-20 rule
Use Twitter not only to promote yourself, but part, especially content that is valuable to your followers. Some do use the 80/20 rule. This means that you spend only 20% of the time to promote yourself or your product and at least 80% of the time share your content that is valuable to your audience.

Increase Fans Social Media With Quality Content

Friday, 21 November 2014
fans social media
So you improve the quality of your fans social media content
You do your best to get as many twitter  followers on your fans social media channels. Not only does that potential customers, you also improve your fans social media activities your SEO. Google has focused namely recently not only on link references and other traditional standards, but also on the number of tweets, likes and Pins that leads to your website. How do you improve the quality of your fans social media content, so you do not get twitter followers?

The importance of social media content
Content marketing is becoming increasingly important. Consumers are today in a dominant position. Social media play a major role. Dissatisfied customers express their negative opinion without embarrassment, which can wreak havoc online your business or product. In addition, they are better than ever. Informed Consumers not to be just what foist more. It is an opportunity to capitalize on this development. Just saying that you're the best no longer works. You need to offer customers something they have an interest. This may be through content marketing.

 Make your content unique
Your content is interesting and will be frequently shared as it is unique. How do you achieve this?
Stay up to date the very latest developments in your field in order not to run the risk of what news two days earlier is posted by others. Develop a journalists institution also pointed at your own time always looking for facts that your readers and appeal to images and save them (mentally) to use later.

With content marketing is the actual (online) content is the angle that is maintained. Due to the adequate use of existing content and the deployment of new content (through a website or other communication channels) we guarantee an increase in the number of leads (orders / sales), a higher conversion rate, actions taken by a user or potential  customer, better understanding of your online data, higher Google position regarding your padded keywords and higher testable reputation (Page Rank / trust flow) of your website and other (online) channels.

Keep your own small interviews with key players in your field. This can be a short question his conversation; the long answer is fans social media no place.

Post a question and an answer each time, that gives you maximum of one interview content. Moreover, for updates longer than three sentences you do not stop scrolling trackers.

Be real and personal
A personal touch fans social media are highly appreciated by your followers. No one wants to feel that they are reading the uninspired writings of an entire marketing team. Take a direct, informal tone and write as if you all of your twitter followers of years. Even if you work with a team, try to create a clear identity. So do not "Did you know that a comic book is made of Hamlet," but "we always fall asleep in Shakespeare. But the new comic book version of Hamlet seems to us something"

Involve people with influence
You can of course continue in your own fans social media fans work, but as a major player in its own feed insert a link to your Facebook page or tweet yours Retweet grow your number of followers guaranteed. How do you attract the attention of these influences?
  • Respond to their updates, with good content comments or contributions.
  • Refer to their updates in your posts. Or longer articles
  • Offer to contribute to their website with a guest article or blog
  • Ask them, for example, an interview or guest appearance. They will be only too happy to point to your Facebook page or website if they have delivered their own contribution.
Keep your followers enthralled and involved in your business: good content leads to more followers and thus more potential customers.

Learn Facebook statistics to understand and improve your fans page

Monday, 17 November 2014

get facebook likes
Facebook statistics Fans Social Media, you have a Facebook page for your business, you probably already encountered them: the statistics of your page. But what do these statistics mean? How do you know if your page is successful? And how do you play in this?

Facebook to understand stats
The statistics of your page can tell you a lot about its success. Yet I notice that regular people do not understand much and wonder whether there really be people who read their messages. Time to understand the statistics.
Log in to your Facebook page and click on Statistics on Show All. You will arrive at the comprehensive statistics justified.

Top of the Overview page states the following:
·         Total find Thumbs Up
·         Friends fans
·         People who talk about
·         Total range: weekly

Each item is marked with an arrow or number of the past week has increased or decreased, with a green upward arrow is obviously an increase. But what do these data mean?

Total find Thumbs Up
The total number finds Thumbs Up is the actual number of fans of your page meant, not the number of think of Thumbs Up for the past week. The arrow next to it does show how many fans over the past week there have been at (or disappear).

These data give an overall picture of the success of your page. Many fans mean that your page seems worthwhile to follow. And as more and more fans relax, which of course is also great. But as fans running away, that's a bad sign.

 It isn't like a page actually means: This content does not captivate me

Suggestions to get or retain more Facebook likes:
Improve the quality of your posts: Ask yourself if the posts that you have added value. What do you getfans on Facebook likes? Can they learn from it? Especially if you talk about yourself or your business? It is important that you share your knowledge with your fans something they can learn from and apply themselves.

Communicate with your fans: Avoid one-way traffic, but encourage interaction with your fans. Ask them questions, such as the Questions app. A short poll quickly filled and people love to give their opinion. And when someone replies to a message, see their friends in their timeline. This can give you more fans on popular social media Facebook website .

Place daily qualitative message: If you occasionally publish something on your page, it is logical that there is little to see and do. So try to publish something every day, such as tips, videos, photos and links to web pages.
Do not place too many messages:  The other extreme is that your fans flooded with messages. Pass this on! An endless series of messages per day is soon perceived as irritating. Place rather less messages, but more quality. Fans of social media are very valuable, so make sure you keep them!

Promote your Facebook page:  Pages often have little fans, because no one knows they exist. Set the address to your page where you can, for example, in your email signature, on your website, on business cards, in the newsletter, and more. There is also a handy Find-me-like-box available on the Facebook website. A place that is on your website visitors and fans with a press of a button.

Hold contests:  An effective way to get more fans or to involve them more, it is holding a contest. Page Travel Magazine holds regular Council-the-plate-contest. Fans should hereby recommend the location where a particular holiday is taken. For example, it wins a travel guide. The action always creates a lot of activity.

Improve Your Position In The Facebook Search Results

Thursday, 13 November 2014
Get Facebook Likes

The "Golden Globe-winning" social networking site has found its way to the global stage. As brands and marketers are we about at the mercy of Facebook in an attempt to use the portal as a means to attract fans. One way of getting a grip on the site is through the search function.

Sure you might be thinking, "Why do you care pressure to the Facebook search? Research indicates that the search of Facebook covers about 2.7% of all searches on the Internet in the United States. This 2.7% will not let tacking a SEO and faded at the 64% share of searches that Google may count himself rich, but Google can not even what Facebook can: brand engagement. The Facebook search function shows mainly information that is not supported by search engines (except of course for the fan pages and a few other items in Facebook). If you have a lot of your budget spent on the find ability on Facebook can invest it be even beneficial in the organic search results of Facebook. This is because Facebook has a tendency to change often, accompanied by the way the user can search. Some data which Facebook to select your search are as follows.

The autocomplete
One of the most attractive places to get inside Facebook is the list that is displayed when Facebook completes your search. This must be arranged on the following topics:
  • Of that user name
  • Events for which the user is invited
  • Questions with the keyword in it
  • A friend of the user with the search term into the name
  • A friend of a friend of the user with the search term in the name
  • Groups of which the user is a member
  • Apps that are used by that user
  • Get Facebook Likes
  • Pages that the user has liked
  • Pages that connect to the user's interests
  • Pages that users friends have liked
Organic search Facebook
Many of the factors which Facebook select to automatically complementing your search also apply to organic search. Here, too, are subjective factors extremely important. Also important are the total number of "Likes" of a company page, status updates with the keywords incorporated in it and web results. Other important factors are as follows:
  • The keyword density on the page seems to be a factor
  • The search term in both the page name to describe a heavy factor
  • The get total number of " Facebook Likes"
So what can you do to score better in Facebook search?
Be aware of your keywords and where you place them. Add them to the important places such as the name of your page and the description thereof. Do you get likes this always the guidelines of Facebook.
Ask friends / family to help promote your page, add newsletters to your page, use Facebook Advertising and question existing fans to recruit more of their friends.
Create content that people really want to share and ask them to share. Something that is interesting enough to pass through Facebook channels to be distributed from user to user results in the increase of the number of fans.

Make Your Reputation Along Social Media With Twitter

Friday, 7 November 2014
Twitter is popular and is rapidly developing into a marketing tool for business use. It is important to follow the company, through this twitter channel, this can be a good marketing strategy. Tweets provides a  many market information. Maybe twitter end user can be taken here a lot of information (marketing research).
Even more importantly, the strength and speed of commercial messages can spread through Twitter. By a solid network of followers to build, ever reached again with their own network of followers, customers and prospects at breakneck speed. More and more companies are using fans of social media website Twitter as an additional communications medium. Strong growth can also be seen in SMEs in the number of users and thus the communication through this medium.
SME for Business uses of Twitter:
1. Fill your Twitter profile in full
It so happened, but many people or companies do not or not fully. Make sure you do, it properly, without spelling mistakes and correct links.
2. Provide a good profile picture
A good photo, preferably personal, always works well. A logo slightly less because it is more distant or confusing. A logo can be fans social media give a unique identity of the company. Keep it as personal and local as possible.
3. Provide a link to the website
In profile there is the possibility of a link. Make sure it works and goes to a good page on the website. This may be the home page, but can also be a special page which takes account of the visitor., Because Those generally comes from a smartphone or tablet nowadays.
4. Find people to follow
Follow people who are interesting, people you know, customers, organizations with whom you have little or famous people from the profession. It is often a matter of trying. Someone because he or she still does not appeal, but more often you come through the people you follow interesting people who are against, you can also follow.
5. Follow back
If others will follow, you follow them back to see what they have to say, or view the timeline of those people before you follow them, which often gives an indication as to what they announce.
6. Being Thanks
Thank people when they call you in a post, give a compliment or a message from you retweet to their followers.
7. RT, @, #?
A number of terms are used codes to be ready to able retweets, make sure you get familiar with it.
8. Provide recognition
Try to keep a 'thread' in your tweets. Make sure your opinion remains the same if you have an opinion about something. Make sure people know what you stand for. For example, if that is sensible service, that ought to be your tweets appear after a certain time.
9. Write for specific followers
Answers to questions put specific followers in their posts. Or remarks These need not be focused, but can be answered by different people, can you as one of his.
10. Part valuable information
Where have you as something? Perhaps tips about the business that you're in. It can also be fun facts or new developments, for example. Make sure your tweets interesting to your followers. Are
11. Make sure that it is not just about yourself
I am not done. People will quickly drop out when it is just about yourself. Messages also often get bogged down in messages about what to eat, where you're going or when moving the to bed. Do not!
12. Use short links
If you use a link, then try to shorten via special websites. The fewer characters to engage in a link, how there is more space for text. A message in tweet the heaviest, but 140 characters.
13. Do not sell
Make sure your Twitter timeline no current sales messages or offerings are. That fact does not work. Make sure that your followers will appreciate the fun, special and interesting messages or tips. They have some fat. Of course you can that alternate with here and there a reference to a product or offer, but do it in moderation.
14. Share interesting posts by others
If someone you follow an interesting post or has a tip, make sure that your followers also come to know through a retweet (RT). For example, did you yourself make little effort to do, but do as you might be happy. Just retweeting also does not work, then you are clearly attractive to put  in  writing messages.
15. Involve people, binds them to you (engage)
Communicate directly with people by addressing them through twitter. It is not unusual that during a lively conversation and a consequent (business or customer) relationship.
16. Ask questions
You can also learn a lot from others users. Do you have any question, ask twitter and you'll be surprised at how many people can help you. Usually it takes a time while before it really works. A good tracking and followers list building will help. The more active you are, the sooner there will people respond to your question.
17. Tell your followers personal information
Not too much, as in paragraph 11, but some information about yourself makes it more personal. Do that to the level where you can still find it helpful to share it. For anyone that boundary lies elsewhere. And especially considering business, you should not go too far.
18. Other people recommend
Twitter is a good reference social media website, so when companies are proposed and there when told why (best experience, services, etc.) then that’s seen as valuable. You can also do this on twitter, good companies that connect to your products or services. If you are having good experiences, then share that. Other people can do what.
19. Plan your contacts in a list
Lists on Twitter can be useful to people in parts and thus keep track.
20. Post and retweet regularly
Make sure you regularly 'online' comes and shows lots of people are there and retweet your tweets.

Social Media - Better Platform To Visible Online

Tuesday, 4 November 2014
fans social media
Social networking websites are quickly established in our daily lives. For most of us it is very common to share our daily worries on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in business communication, especially frequently used. But we also know: social media is actually still in its infancy. That means that there are regularly growing pains besides the nice sides.

Fans of social Media websites

Fans of Social media are the collective name for all sites where users share (and not an editorial) itself with each other. This is a user-friendly and often entertaining way. This "information" comes in the form of text (news and articles), images (photography and video) and even sound (podcast and music). In so doing, the word 'social' to that posting information alone is not enough. On these social websites, it interacts: users interact and communicate with each other. It is not unidirectional and that is precisely what makes Fans of social media so much fun.

People are herd animals - they love to interact with others. On the Internet, this is extra easy. In our busy lives we often do not have time to make an extensive chat when we meet on the street, but a quick note on Facebook is so sent. It is not for nothing that so many fans of social media websites emerged in the last decade, which are almost all grown incredibly hard. Which name sounds you are not familiar? Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinerest, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube.

The benefits of social networking websites

The benefits of social networking websites are easy to mention. It is a great source of information. Making contact is easy and fast. Everyone is equal. You reach more people in less time. Asking for help is easier. Everyone is approachable and can react when it comes out. Sharing information has never been so easy.

For organizations, there is the added benefit that most Internet users' opinions and recommendations from friends and acquaintances more than any other message then trust. The reputations of organizations are discussed online, so if you as an organization are visible online and enters into dialogue, it has a positive impact on your reputation and confidence of the (potential) customers.

Plus, for many people is the presence of companies and organizations on fans of social media even almost become a requirement nowadays. An organization that is not (active) presence on social networking websites is actually behind the facts. To stay up to date as an organization, therefore you can not ignore social media. However, this requires a particular approach. Because those growing pains, which sometimes throw spanner in the works.

The disadvantages of social networking websites

Except that the use of social networking websites takes time, it is also important for organizations that there is a plan comes with fans of social media guidelines: why, what, when, for whom and how do you use fans social media? Thinking about these things seems unnecessary if want to keep how things work with you on the organization, you 'just' people informed but a clear objective is important to keep everything organized. Time consuming, but important.

In particular, in view of (the absence of) online privacy. Not only all that is put online, remains always available online, you never know what is (now or in the future) done with this information. Many social networking websites have in fact little to no respect for the privacy of users and the people spoken about social media. Wrong language can thus ensure misunderstandings continue another infinite feedback.

Take Facebook, a popular social website, almost an online diary for many people. This fans social media channel has many times been in the news for negative adjustments 'just' have been implemented and actions. Facebook seems to cut corners to provide information towards users and has regularly used personal information without explicitly asking for consent. Information that you had deleted still appears to exist and your updates maybe even used to sell ads.

When everyone you're not so digitally literate, read what meant only for your friends and sets you up with an innocent click a whole advertising circus in operation. Maybe you have inadvertently appeared in an advertisement or give you a brand consent to your data without you knowing. There you can do something about it using articles like '5 tips to increase your privacy on Facebook "and" adjust Facebook privacy settings, but real privacy you cannot speak.