Learn Facebook statistics to understand and improve your fans page

Monday, 17 November 2014

get facebook likes
Facebook statistics Fans Social Media, you have a Facebook page for your business, you probably already encountered them: the statistics of your page. But what do these statistics mean? How do you know if your page is successful? And how do you play in this?

Facebook to understand stats
The statistics of your page can tell you a lot about its success. Yet I notice that regular people do not understand much and wonder whether there really be people who read their messages. Time to understand the statistics.
Log in to your Facebook page and click on Statistics on Show All. You will arrive at the comprehensive statistics justified.

Top of the Overview page states the following:
·         Total find Thumbs Up
·         Friends fans
·         People who talk about
·         Total range: weekly

Each item is marked with an arrow or number of the past week has increased or decreased, with a green upward arrow is obviously an increase. But what do these data mean?

Total find Thumbs Up
The total number finds Thumbs Up is the actual number of fans of your page meant, not the number of think of Thumbs Up for the past week. The arrow next to it does show how many fans over the past week there have been at (or disappear).

These data give an overall picture of the success of your page. Many fans mean that your page seems worthwhile to follow. And as more and more fans relax, which of course is also great. But as fans running away, that's a bad sign.

 It isn't like a page actually means: This content does not captivate me

Suggestions to get or retain more Facebook likes:
Improve the quality of your posts: Ask yourself if the posts that you have added value. What do you getfans on Facebook likes? Can they learn from it? Especially if you talk about yourself or your business? It is important that you share your knowledge with your fans something they can learn from and apply themselves.

Communicate with your fans: Avoid one-way traffic, but encourage interaction with your fans. Ask them questions, such as the Questions app. A short poll quickly filled and people love to give their opinion. And when someone replies to a message, see their friends in their timeline. This can give you more fans on popular social media Facebook website .

Place daily qualitative message: If you occasionally publish something on your page, it is logical that there is little to see and do. So try to publish something every day, such as tips, videos, photos and links to web pages.
Do not place too many messages:  The other extreme is that your fans flooded with messages. Pass this on! An endless series of messages per day is soon perceived as irritating. Place rather less messages, but more quality. Fans of social media are very valuable, so make sure you keep them!

Promote your Facebook page:  Pages often have little fans, because no one knows they exist. Set the address to your page where you can, for example, in your email signature, on your website, on business cards, in the newsletter, and more. There is also a handy Find-me-like-box available on the Facebook website. A place that is on your website visitors and fans with a press of a button.

Hold contests:  An effective way to get more fans or to involve them more, it is holding a contest. Page Travel Magazine holds regular Council-the-plate-contest. Fans should hereby recommend the location where a particular holiday is taken. For example, it wins a travel guide. The action always creates a lot of activity.


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