How do you get more Twitter Followers

Friday, 19 December 2014

Get Twitter Followers

12 smart Tips for your Twitter Account

Tip 1: be controversial
A striking, shocking, weird or sexist tweet will be more reliable than a decent standard retweet tweet. In short, what always works, is something shocking/funny or sexy.

Tip 2: Tweet daily
Follow someone on Twitter who only has 4 old Tweets is not as interesting as someone that recently has sent the world into new Tweets. If you have a lot of Tweets, you have fixed a lot to tell!

Tip 3: respond directly to others
The power of Twitter is largely in the direct communication. It works therefore always very good to respond directly to people (use @) so that they follow or continue to follow you.

Tip 4: Upload a photo
A Twitter profile without a photo is not a success. Certainly for a personal Twitter account, people want to see like a picture. It comes also as if someone not serious with his Twitter handles was different from the effort to upload a picture, why would you want someone like that or seriously and follow?

Tip 5: Go Social!
When you have a lot of work in the regular updating Twitter status, you will be delighted by this therefore is shared as well as possible. Fortunately, there are easy ways to integrate your Tweets on Facebook or Linkedin. See also your contacts there so what you have to say on Twitter!

Tip 6: Keep it close to yourself (niche)
Are you an expert in women's shoes? Then don't give your opinion about politics. Of course, a personal account may occasionally best. But if you want to Tweet from a certain business, expertise it is wise to keep at your field.

Tip 7: Retweeting works
Retweeting of others has not directly had a positive effect on your own Get Twitter Followers, do this therefore also only if it gets really interesting is. What is positive is that you to re-tweeting the one you re-Tweet somewhat graces, and this person will be more likely to your tweets later re-tweeting. In short, to recommend long-term!

Tip 8: share photos
Just like on Facebook also attract attention on Twitter pictures. People are just Visual and focus their attention quickly on a photo.

Tip 9: Go Mobile
Twitter is designed as short and fast medium and with the constraint of 140 characters a ideal mobile platform. Use Twitter so also yourself on your smartphone (iPhone/Android/Windows).

Tip 10: Full Bio
Twitter gives a bit of space for a description or biography. Use this well, often used are some key words, small description for more information and a link to your personal blog or business page.

Tip 11: Luis is half the battle
Although Twitter people, mainly seems to boost up the flushing of thoughts and opinions is in communication listening yet still half the battle. Use this opportunity and really listen to your followers or potential followers. The better you on she responds the more they will have what will express appreciation in re-tweets! ~

Tip 12: Get a Mix
Look back to your last 10 tweets, they are really interesting? Would you be someone follow if you came across this profile? Care for a mix in your tweets, not just links to your own website and also not just pictures of your evening meal. Variation is key!

Did you find these tips useful? Share our page on Twitter, thanks!


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{ Marie Christine } at: 27 October 2020 at 15:49 said...

The credit for my successful Twitter account goes to WizUgo [com]. I used to spend a lot of time on Twitter and still, I was not able to get a decent amount of followers. For the first time, I used Wizugo for my Twitter account automation, and it became the savior of my sinking account. Within a few weeks, I got a lot of active followers that like and comment on my pictures and videos that I tweet.

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