How can you expand your number of twitter followers

Monday, 15 December 2014

Actually, there are two ways:

First Way: You can buy twitter followers. For little money you get there as thousands of followers at. The latter is of course very stroking your ego until you find out that you get a lot of spam and porn followers. Besides, you have no relationship with your followers, so you do not share a lot of valuable content or perform meaningful conversations.
More qualitative followers on Twitter

Second Way: I would go for quality. Under qualitative followers I realize that Twitter user with whom you have shared interests. If you colleagues can for example.

These are my suggestions to getmore followers on Twitter.

Provide a complete profile. This consists of an avatar / logo / profile photo a header image and a welcoming or promotional background.

Follow back. Follow back everyone who follows you. Appreciate them and thank you regularly new followers. Incidentally, do it publicly and not through a service that sends an automatic. That is the most Twitterers against. Exception spam, pornography, traces back accounts and the like. Automatically follow back, for example, with Social Oomph.

Create lists. Segment your followers, for example, to people you know, In Geography, subject, customers. See the lists of others and follow those tweeters' (you can incidentally also consult the guide to find new twitter followers qualitative).

Use a hashtag that is used in your field, or topic in your area. Or which is popular at that time. Join the conversation is the tagline of Twitter. So if you have something meaningful to report, then work with those on hashtag. This fall on other Twitters with a greater chance that they will follow you.

Ask questions. People find it an honor if they can answer a question. Example. If you are an insurer, you might ask what someone's favorite pension fund.

Search by Twitter. If you're a cake shop, look for 'bread', 'cake', 'cookies' and the likes. Answer some of these tweets. This is what the wine merchant Gary did people answer about wines. And he is now a multimillionaire.

Take part in a Twitter chat. Such chat attracts like-minded people, and if you sense, you have a greater chance than people going to follow you. Watch at what hashtags or Twitter chats are popular at the moment. X`Twitter chats are on top and sharing, giving and connecting. Also, check out Tweet chat.

Twitter is not just talking, it's networking. So can you help friends from your network by retweeting them, and ask them to help further.


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